Monday, August 11, 2014

TV News Talent: Always Camera Ready

©  Millennium Media Entertainment, Inc.

Great Talent always responds reliably and quickly to breaking news, severe weather or Live Field Reporting. They are mentally ready to go Live, when asked to. They don't have to warm up. Why? Because their performance "ON" buttons are not turned off. How do they do that? Perhaps, we can address that by borrowing and modifying a concept our Military uses for maintaining peak performance.

The Military trains people to keep their “On Switches” active. A performance system is taught and practiced. Then it is put into our Pilots and Infantry Peoples’ psychics, to gain the best possible results. US Marines for example, procedurally perform “Weapons Checks,” before engaging in field operations.

These “Weapons Checks” insures that their equipment is ready and equally important, that the Marines are too, without much if any, notice. They immediately know what to do, when called upon. How do they do that? Their “On Switches” have never been turned off. It’s the same with Great Talent.

TV On Air Performance is very similar, absent real weapons, although I'm sure there are times some wished they had them. Talent can develop their own versions of a “Weapons Check” and run it through the “Traps,” frequently, to make sure your presentation style is always ready for whatever and whenever.

It’s pretty easy, since you all you have to do is build and manage a list of your presentation style’s critical components. Could be anything….Your voice, look, wardrobe, pace, hair, producing….etc.
You learn and manage the performance elements that are the composite of you and your brand. You know who you are, what your product is and can go Live with all of it, in seconds.

Then, all you have to do is review your personal “Weapons Check.” Do this a lot. Your Live work will improve and stay consistent, every time you on the air.

This doesn't mean that your career should interfere with away fun or relaxation. Consider your “Weapons Check” like your computer’s operating system. It’s simply running in the background, and not interfering with your other activities. But, you will be ready if They call. Your “On Switch,” will have stayed active, not waiting to be turned on.

I further respectfully submit that keeping your ducks lined up with this system will give you peace of mind, making it easier to recreate.

My personal "Weapons Check" has been run by the time I hit the kitchen, every morning. It's not just a quick review of my daily to do list. It is also a run through about how I would like my day’s tasks to result. Then, very little ever surprises me....except what people can be capable of. Even then I'm ready.

I think Talent often looks for “The On” button to push and sometimes are frustrated when it isn’t there. That’s because they don’t have a structure or “Weapons Check” for their work. You can't turn some mental button “On and Off.” Sometimes they just won’t turn on as we would like them to. Leave yours mentally “ON.”

Then, go about your work or social activities with it “On” in your mind’s background, just like a word processing program on a computer. Maybe you can’t see it, but it is there. And, your “Weapons Check” is the operating system quietly running in the background, supporting everything you do.

It's all about being ready and hopefully this concept will help you continue successfully developing your career. I submit that this short daily exercise could be a successful tool for pre-presentation mental preparation, thus avoiding too much “Winging It.”

It's an approach to life in its own way, but that’s for another conversation. Thanks for Reading!

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