Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Attempts to Manage China’s Continuing Unethical Trade Practices And Behavior Won’t Work. (Revisited)

Attempts to Manage China’s Continuing Unethical Trade Practices And Behavior Won’t Work.  (Revisited)

What Exactly Is Obama’s Asia Pivot Policy? 

    ©Millennium Media Entertainment, Inc. © MME Television Services Asia

    I published a blog a few weeks ago titled Will China Take Asian Territory by Force?  I put it on my company’s blog, which has no real following.  So, you could say I was simply venting.  

    Rereading it was interesting to me.  The same issues, I wrote about before are progressively worsening, with the Presidential Candidates putting out meaningless statements and sound bites about Asia and China.  The Press seems content with basic headline coverage about this region.

    China has stolen intellectual property, falsified financial reports to Wall Street, plus hacked our government’s and industries’ computers.  They sell us chips that apparently
    have spyware.

    They have been menacing Japan and South East Asia.  You have to wonder what the Candidates’ plans are for dealing with China?  No one has really asked them.  Obama has done some things, but that is lightly reported.  The US files complaints to the World Trade Organization and China files counterclaims. 

    What is needed is a similar policy to what President Clinton and his representative Mickey Kantor applied to Japan, years ago.  Reduce Chinese products or raise import taxes, until they start behaving.  China doesn’t care what we think, no matter who is charge there or in Washington.  They only care about what they think.  They will not cooperate unless their wallets are threatened.

    They are executing their own agenda, with no concern about the US using trade as a retaliatory weapon.  They are in no shape to sustain any kind of trade sanctions, even small ones.  It is very simple.  When a child is petulant or misbehaves, you put them in time out or take something away.  Same methodology should be applied to the PRC, or things will get much worse.  Rewarding China’s bad behavior only green lights more of it.

    The Media isn’t asking any relevant questions  about China’s ongoing conflicts with Japan or Southeast Asian Countries, principally the Philippines.  Japan and china could go to war.  Where's the coverage by ABC, CBS or NBC?

    The Media provided a plethora of insincere, abstract go nowhere, statements about China, from Romney, during the 21012 Elections. If Romney had been  elected, wouldn’t that be akin to the proverbial mouse guarding the cheese, when it comes to The PRC, due his China investments?  Why wasn’t Romney ever asked about Obama’s Pivot Policy for Asia?

    Obama knows much more than he is saying or can say.  There seems to be an attitude by the administration and the Media not to ruffle feathers with the PRC, since they were picking new leaders, who might be reformers.  They seem worse.

    Bloomberg says is a very sensitive time for the Chinese.  Many media organizations have said that the new Chinese leaders need to get in place first and then reforms will take place.  Really?  China is not going to modify its behavior with new leadership.

    What reforms are they pining about?  Since when has it been the Media’s job to help another country?  Why afford China with such empathetic, special treatment?  Some coverage by the so called pillars of Journalism read as they are mouthpieces for the PRC. 

    Oh yeah, and Libya, is still on the front burner.  I think it should be covered, but not to the extent it is.  Secretary Clinton blames herself for the security lapse.  I believe that Mrs. Clinton is the only person in Washington that gets the various foreign policies.  The Philippines just gave her their highest civilian medal for service.Thank you Mrs. Clinton and can we now move on to larger issues?

    The majority of the people are not living the great Chinese economic dream.  In fact, nothing has really changed for them.  This is why their leaders keep them nationalistically whipped up against Japan and over ancient claims to Japanese islands, which are said to be a wealth of natural resources.  I honestly don’t believe Western leaders know what to do about China, except take it.

    Below is what I wrote over two a month ago.  It’s still 90% timely, at this writing.  China is still behaving in a very dangerous way.  I would like to know what the administration’s plans are for China?

    Will China Take Asian Territory by Force?
    • Disputed Far East Asian Islands May Have Massive Natural Resources.    
    • Economic Wars And Possible Military Conflicts Underway In East And Southeast Asia.
    ©Millennium media entertainment

    By John Sheehan
    *Note: This piece is meant to primarily inform Major News Organizations about events and major issues unfolding quickly in Southeastern and Eastern Asia.  My hope is that more responsible News Coverage of this region will commence.  I admit that I have interjected a few personal opinions about the current coverage, by the Major Media Organizations.

    The World Press Organizations are the supposed custodians of Public Interest via Journalism, right?  Why aren’t any of them reporting or commenting much, about what is going on in the Far East Asia?  Is it just me?  I opened Google News and there’s more Libya coverage, than about some very serious problems, in the Far East.  What is going on with you Journalistic Torch Bearers of Truth and Public Trust?

    Don’t you care that the ownership of possibly the largest untapped oil and natural gas reserves on Earth, are being contested now, in the Far East?  Or are Mitt Romney’s random attempts at redefining himself, his inaccurate accusations and musings, just much more fun to report?

    Why is the ongoing Libya story more important than covering the fast, unfolding China-Japan conflict or The Philippines-China one?  These conflicts are over Japan and The Philippines protecting their sovereign territory, from an aggressor.  Both nations have defense treaties with the US.

    The conflicts are also about the potentially vast, untapped energy resources, in these islands.  Japan and China are the second and third largest economies on Earth, with Japan withstanding the worst of their territorial disagreement with China.  It would be far better for the world’s economies if these islands remain in Japanese and Filipino hands.

    Don’t you think we should know what the Presidential Candidates think about this, before the debates, and the November vote?  It could be useful knowing what they would do, if elected, about these struggles in the Far East over oil and gas deposits.  Not to mention the ethics of not allowing China to rape their neighbors’ natural resources.

    Japan has already been damaged by the economic warfare, instigated by China.  There is a possibility of a military conflict in the Far East, where an economic brouhaha is already underway, between these two long time American Allies and China.  And, America is obliged by treaty to protect both nations.  The outcome will be driven by what China instigates in the future.

    The PRC is claiming almost all of The Western Philippines (South China) Sea, based on some obscure ancient maps.  Their unprecedented claim includes offshore islands belonging to the Philippines.  China has also claimed some Japanese islands in East Asia, too.

    There are currently two US Navy carriers, with escort ships, off the islands controlled by Japan and disputed by China.  It is much as warning, as showing the flag.

    It has been reported locally that 80 more Filipino Marines have been added to the two Philippines Marine Battalions stationed in the Palawan Province.  The offshore Filipino islands, called the Spartly Islands, are part of the Palawan Province.  They are well inside the Philippines 200 Mile Economic Zone, as defined by the UN’s Law of the Sea.

    The PRC is outside of any maritime economic zone, these islands are in.  China is over 500 miles away, has become increasingly aggressive and menacing since claiming these islands and the surrounding waters.  The Chinese recently ravaged acres of Filipino reefs and even accidentally ran warship aground on a reef, stranding it.

    Last month, the Japanese news organization Kyodo, claimed that 50 to 60 US Marines were also deploying to Palawan, to set up an advance command post.  The Philippines Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin denied the Japanese report.  
    Nothing much has been reported about China behaving badly, their dishonest economic international maneuvers and PRC’s economy possibly imploding, is being reported in-depth.  You really need some new material, for the public.

    Here’s a softball.  Ask the US Leaders about current Asia issues.  Inquire how these issues could affect Americans, in the future?  That means that you will have to do a little homework. May surprise you that there is bipartisan agreement on this.  Why don't you inform the public that Republicans and Democrats don't necessarily disagree on every thing?

    This isn’t just about China forcibly taking another countries’ property.  The disputed island groups potentially have huge untapped natural gas and oil deposits, as I already said.  China desperately wants these deposits, for obvious reasons.  Japan had a similar problem prior to World War Two.

    The US is making a major policy shift in the Far East and that is being basically ignored by the major press organizations.  The Libyan people and government have gone out their way to apologize to America.  If the Oval Office Race was a hamburger, the Libyans would be the pickle.  Get over it.

    This is about the US’s long term future and thus, should be a bigger issue for both Candidates, than you have allowed.  But, the Press rarely questions either Candidate about China or its ambitions.

    It is news worthy that in Asia, countries are quietly lining up, if not hiding behind The Philippines resolute efforts to stop the Great Chinese Land Grab, in Southeast Asia.  The Philippines has no interest with being a cat’s paw for Japan and their immense problems with China.  That is America’s job to help moderate Chinese ambitions in the Far East.

    Toward that end, US forces are being beefed up in the Region, which is a major undertaking and policy shift.  In the meantime, The Philippines is the only country in Southeast Asia, not backing down from China’s dangerous overtures.

    President Obama personally recently shut down a Chinese owned windmill farm in Oregon, because it was being built too close to a Navy installation.  This got scant coverage.  Why has there been so little coverage even after Obama ordered the Chinese to dismantle all completed construction?  Maybe if John McCain complained, then this would be a story.

    Japan would like to shift some China’s aggression away from themselves, toward the Philippines.  Is Misery is looking for company?  Japan has been emotionally and economically pummeled by China, over the last few years.  And, Chinese hostility toward Japan is still growing.

    Read the solicitous Japan Times warning to Southeast Asia that China’s behavior with Japan affects them too.  The author also laments about the safety of Chinese descendants scattered across the region.  Was that a bone for China that the Japanese are concerned about people of Chinese decent or to simply to redirect the PRC’s wrath?  I am not sure if The Japan Times was putting forth a warning or threat.
    Senkaku row reverberates across southeast Asia

    Japan is no position to stop China from taking some uninhabited rocks in the East China Sea, if they wanted to.  (Update:  Experts say they could win a Naval battle with China) Japan seems to be leaning toward The Philippines and/or the US doing the heavy lifting, so as not offend China further.  Yesterday, the Japanese Prime Minister shuffled his Cabinet, adding a new minster, China might like better.
    Noda brings tanaka, jojima into cabinet

    The Japanese have also been obtusely trying to hitch their China problems to the Filipino obdurate position that that no islands, in their maritime territory, will be ceded China.  The Japanese would like to give the Philippines a dozen new patrol boats, but no decision has been announced yet, by Filipino Authorities.

    Meanwhile the Pacific Fleet is on patrol in Japanese held waters.  If China really did attack Japan’s or the current possessions of The Philippines, life in America will be disrupted enormously, further damaging the already ailing American economy.  The US could find itself conflicted with the world’s third biggest military and second largest economy, which would be a global disaster.

    China is irrational and unstable
    I think a possible martial conflict is a year or two away, if all this continues.  China is economically and internally unstable.  These factors have put PRC leadership in survivor mode and thus, make them dangerous.  They are using these Far Eastern islands conflict to inflame nationalism, distracting the Chinese people from looming negative economic and social issues.  In short, they could implode economically.

    The PRC’s leaders are hanging onto public and political control by any means, they deem necessary.  Acquiring these islands, sooner than later, would be a real boost to the Chinese economy and the leadership’s prestige.

    The PRC is digging a hole with the Far Eastern countries, it may not be able to get out of.  They may not want to in the short run, to keep the nationalistic home fires burning.  That by itself is dangerous internationally and long term, internally.

    Here's part of why the PRC Leadership is currently loaded with plenty of resentment and anger at the US.  America protects Japan and those nuisances in the Philippines, who won't take their marching orders from Beijing.  The PRC is trying to implement their own version of Manifest Destiny in Asia.  They want to US to get out of their way.

    PRC leaders send either menacing or soothing messages daily, via their various media outlets.  In the morning, the Chinese sound like they might waltz in and take whatever they want in the Philippines. 
    After lunch, they offer to modernize the military here.  By day’s end, the Chinese are calling in a loan.  They are sending very erratic messages to Japan, as well.

    I admit to be overstating the issue timelines, but the Chinese change their tactical tunes toward the Philippines and Japan, almost daily.  Both Japan and The Philippines are continually trying to resolve these problems, through diplomacy.

    I think the PRC is very serious about their issues with Japan and this isn’t new.  Last year they cut off rare earth exports to Japan, over the arrest of a Chinese fishing boat captain, who ordered his crew to ram two Japanese patrol boats.  The Chinese ship had been caught illegally in Japanese waters.

    Nothing is said in the Chinese Press, not pre-approved by top party leadership.  My personal favorite was a recent claim by a Chinese TV News Anchor that Okinawa belongs to them.

    China is making the similar claims about Northeast Asia waters, which they have about Southeast Asia’s.  China has had several misguided adventures in The Philippines, as in the case of running a destroyer up on a Filipino reef.  It is hard to measure how much of this bluster, at least for now.

    They are in an unhealthy mental state.  Launching an out of date aircraft carrier, that no has planes aboard, is mind boggling.  But it is a window on their delusional thinking.  They want to scare their neighbors, by putting an antiquated aircraft carrier to sea, without any aircraft aboard.  I did notice the American press acknowledged the Liaoning commissioning.

    Many American Press Organizations blathered on around the Chinese carrier's existence.  None noticed that the used Russian ship, has no planes, and won't for years.  Claiming that Southeast Asian countries are worried about the Liaoning is lame.  Why do you all think that?

    The Wall Street Journal's Asia Edition gushed for paragraphs about how the carrier got its name and how China pounded Vietnam back in the 80's, over some disputed islands.  Excuse me, what does this have to do with anything now, except the PRC's fondness for land grabbing by force, where they can?  How does this all tie together in 2012?

    Regardless, this carrier is not a great strategy for the PRC to bank on, considering that the now growing, very real, powerful Third and Seventh Fleets (Pacific Fleet) are in the neighborhoods.  Plus, the US Third Marine Division is based on Okinawa. 
    The US Military is designed to fight two wars.  In addition to the Fleet(s), The US Air Force has a sizable bomber group on Guam, USA.  

    Southeast Asia
    China has been menacing the Philippines over the Spartly Islands Group, for many months.  The Spratlys are within 200 Nautical Mile Exclusive Economic Zone of the Philippines, according to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).  They are administrated as an integral part of the Palawan Province. 

    China is over 500 miles away from the Spartlys.  But, The Chinese really don’t care since they believe that most of everything in the South China Sea (also called Western Philippines Sea) is simply theirs, anyway.  And that is that, according to the PRC.  And, China wants more islands, they claim were stolen.

    Northeastern Asia  
    China’s other claim is in the East China Sea, where there are Japanese held islands, said to possibly have abundant natural resources, known as the Senkaku Islands in Japan and the Diaoyu Islands in China.

    The BBC reports: The eight uninhabited islands and rocks in question lie in the East China Sea.  They have a total area of about 7 sq km and lie northeast of Taiwan, east of the Chinese mainland and southwest of Japan's southern-most prefecture, Okinawa.  They matter because they are close to strategically important shipping lanes, offer rich fishing grounds and are thought to contain oil deposits.  The islands are controlled by Japan.

    Japan and China are on a collision course over Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands.  China is dangerously wound up and the Chinese people have rioted over this issue.  Japanese businesses have been burned, ransacked and Japanese people in China have been assaulted.  Japan is being the patient placater, for now.  It has gotten so bad, that many Japanese companies have closed down or suspended operations, in China.  Maybe it’s a coincidence, but there were Japanese executives in the Philippines last week, scouting for more business sites.

    Chinese mobs recently went after the US Ambassador, which was lightly covered.  Guess the focus remained on the unfortunate tragedy in Libya.  But, in the scheme of things, the PRC’s aggressive behavior in Asia is a much bigger issue than rehashing Libyan security over and over.

    The Japanese-Chinese conflict has gotten more international press than the issues facing the Philippines.  Guess that is to be expected since there is so much money on the table.  Most the reports about Japan’s situation seem stitched together.  The reports are a little stark, lacking understanding or journalistic empathy, judging by what I have seen.  There is virtually nothing about this being reported by the major Television News Networks.  Furthermore, it appears corporate profits now govern coverage decisions.

    The Media is still seems more locked on Japan’s nuclear issues.  The war of words between Japan and China is serious worrisome and neither is bluffing.
    Japan warns china against 'attacks' in island spat
    Agence France-Presse

    Japan 'Stole' Our Islands: China Tells Un
    Agence France-Presse

    US Naval Services seem to have their plans made for Iran, in the event of war and are planning for one here.  Last week, there were two stories about The Philippines and US strengthening military ties:
    Pentagon official sees 'liftoff' of us-ph alliance
    US-Philippines Alliance Critical To Asia-Pacific, Official Says http://www.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=118016

    The Philippines Foreign Secretary also warned China to stay out of Filipino territory, last week. 


    The Eye of the Typhoon might be here, on Palawan, since the Spartlys are part of this province .  The Philippines has stood up to the Chinese repeatedly, over keeping their sovereign territory.  They are counting on the Americans honoring the mutual defense treaty between both countries, which now includes Australia, should real trouble break out.

    This Western Philippines Province has Filipino Marines, Coast Guard, Air Force and Navy Units stationed here.  US Expeditionary Marines (MEU-SOC) visit regularly, conducting joint exercises with the Filipino Marines.  These exercises are always called Balikatan by the Filipinos.  It means Shouldering the Load Together.  The actual translation is as much emotional as literal, in Tagalog.  To Filipinos, Balikatan means that the two Marine Corps have a brotherly, working relationship.

    The US Marines will be back soon to practice humanitarian natural disasters relief procedures, with the Filipino Marines.  Also, US Navy Attack Subs have been seen provisioning in both Manila and Cebu.

    What about (where is it) coverage?
    The only consistently functional and reliable source the major press organizations uses very much is AP., as I said at the top.  Is there perhaps a neo-colonialist attitude by the American Press, who doesn’t seem to want to collaborate with any Far Eastern news Media Organizations?  Why? 
    Does News only exist when and where the Establishment World Media says it does?  Unfortunately, this is true, as it applies to Asia.  You decide which issues around the world to report and they then, become defacto News.  This was the same coverage practice prior to war with Japan.  No one saw it coming since they were not paying any attention.

    The Mainstream American Press rarely sources the Asian News Media and never about the issues I have been discussing, herein.  That makes coverage generation rather difficult.  So, what is up with the attitude?  Why not exchange or co-opt information with them?

    An irresponsible Overseas Press in many ways is more dangerous to sustainable growth in the Philippines and its neighbors, than the PRC.  People in Europe or the Americas only know what they see, hear or read.  Story selection, balance, getting it right and journalistic empathy, are very important to these economies.  It is ethically reprehensible and irresponsible, to anything else.

    What is reported around the world affects tourism and the overall economic growth by this country and others in the Region.  Many people here view the overseas press with suspicion and almost as an enemy.  This is from negative news reporting in lieu of a balanced reportorial approach, to their current events.

    This is because the Mainstream Overseas Press is somewhat here and not here.  What reporting there is done, usually has little understanding, empathy or balance.  This only injures economic progress in the Emerging Southeast Asian Region.  Anything negative is reported all over the world immediately and causes damage if only part of an issue is covered or if just wrong.

    Rarely is anything positive reported and there are plenty of those stories to tell, which could benefit the Philippines and the other Southeast Asian countries’ economic growth and development.  These countries have problems, like anyone else.  Next?  Zeroing in on specific problematical tangents, harms these countries and there is no excuse for doing that.  It is shoddy journalism.

    The Philippines have had a remarkable democratic and economic turnaround under President Benigno Aquino's Administration.  Aquino ran for president promising to rid his country of corruption.  His polling results indicate the Filipino people are happy with what his administration is doing.  Aquino has a near 80% approval rating nationwide, in recent polls.

    It is seems rare this days, that the Filipino Media isn't reporting stories about new corruption related charges.  People at all levels in the government.  from police officers to a former president and Supreme Court Chief Justice, have been charged with graft, corruption or plundering.
    Everything is been done by the book.  Those charged have or are being processed very carefully, according to the laws.  The Philippines is not some Banana or Coconut Republic.  It's a Western country and the oldest democracy in Asia. 

    It should be noted that The Philippines is third largest English speaking Country on Earth and the most literate in Asia.  Both English and Tagalog are the Official Languages of The Philippines.  Higher Education is taught in English.  And, for what it is worth, The Philippines is the world's third largest Roman Catholic nation.

    Tourism is seen as major way to improve the economy in the Philippines and the neighboring countries.  These countries get millions of tourists annually, since they are relatively safe to travel to, exotic, pretty much hassle free and the people are friendly.

    Any stories unfairly negative or substantially wrong get swift attention by the affected governments.  Sadly, sometimes they just sigh, and move on.  Not much they can do about being skewered by the International Press.  I am sighing now.

    I decided a few years ago to come back to the Philippines, after a nearly 40 yearlong sabbatical.  Filipinos are excellent people, in so many ways. 

    The Philippines has a wonderful culture and is comprised of very intelligent people.  I am convinced if a nose count is done in Heaven, there would be many more Filipinos there, than Americans.

    Don't misunderstand these nice people.  Should China make good on one of their 1,000 threats, the Filipinos will fight.  They don't care if they are out gunned.  Most Filipinos love their country, which has some islands bigger than several Western European countries.  Be tough to totally subdue the Filipinos in an environment, they know.

    I have assembled some YouTubes which hopefully describe what is going on in The Philippines and in the region, which I hope causes interest.

    War...Though The Eyes Of RT Television (Russian-- has some small facts wrong.  Their handpicked Commie expert is fairly rabid, but great TV.  This guy would be great material for Jon Stewart.  They are really sore that they just can't have their way.  More background on this link.  (Former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is facing several charges of corruption.)

    More From The Russians...Good video and you can see where I live; On Palawan---colored yellow.
    War on Terrorism (USA Today doesn't know that the Americans are SEALS and Marine Recons--not soldiers and most the Filipinos are RPMC...still good little piece. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKytYXR2Eew&feature=related

    US And Filipino Marines (Balikatan)

    WARNING---by Aljazeera English.  However, most experienced Ex-Pats over here tell me they feel that Aljazeera’s coverage is much fairer and unbiased than anything done, in America or Europe.  They have locals on the payroll and generate a lot of stories.

    The Home Team Will Fight If Necessary

    Thanks for reading this and I hope your organization finds it useful.

    John Sheehan
    Millennium Media Entertainment
    214-628-6236 (Usa)
    Skype: John.Sheehan67

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